Tired of random misfire codes? It is quite likely you have inferior spark plugs or spark plugs gapped too wide. If you are tired of gapping your plugs tighter, then these plugs are the solution. They are pre-gapped at a perfect width to keep misfires away on high boost applications. They are a nickel based plug with 3 electrodes to help further ensure you get no misfires due to high boost. We use these plugs in our race cars and our customers' cars with great success.
They are pre-gapped to not misfire with high boost and are a resistor type plug.
All spark plug companies do not use the same heat range scale. For example, NGK's heat range scale INCREASES as you go from hotter plugs to colder plugs, i. e. 2 is one of the hottest ranges and 12 is one of the coldest. However, Bosch's heat range is reversed when compared to NGK's and DECREASES as you go from hotter plugs to colder plugs, i.e. heat range 10 plus are some of the hottest range plugs and heat range 2 are coldest.
In addition to whether or not a higher number means a colder or hotter heat range, different spark plug companies' heat ranges do not line up in a 1:1 ratio, i.e. they have different scales. Due to the way that Bosch rates their heat ranges as compared to other companies like NGK, one Bosch heat range might cross-reference to more than one NGK heat range and vice versa. So, when moving up or down in heat ranges, keep in mind that dropping to a "1 heat range colder than stock" plug in the Bosh heat range will not be the same thing as dropping down 1 heat range colder in an NGK plug. When thinking about this, it is both helpful and important to remember that the "heat range" specification of a spark plug is exactly that - a RANGE. Therefore, one plug will work well for different motor applications even though each application may have slightly different requirements for the thermal performance of the spark plug. Depending on the manufacturer, one heat range can provide optimal thermal performance for up to a 100 degree Celsius range of temperatures.
So, based on the fact that spark plug manufacturers have different scales for their heat range ratings and that heat ranges can be as wide as 100 degrees Celsius, finding a spark plug from one manufacturer that operates in exactly the same heat range will not always be possible, if ever. This is true in the case of the Bosch heat range 5 and 6 plugs and the NGK heat range 6 and 7 plugs (remember that the colder heat range is the LOWER number for Bosch and the HIGHER number for NGK). The Bosch heat range 6 plugs will have optimal thermal performance for most of the NGK heat range 6 plugs (except for the hottest part) and also some of the hottest parts of the heat range 7 plug. Additionally, the Bosch heat range 5 plug's optimal thermal performance will overlap with most of the NGK heat range 7 plug but not some of the hotter parts. So dropping down from a Bosch heat range 6 plug to a heat range 5 plug isn't exactly the same as dropping down from an NGK heat range 6 plug to a heat range 7 plug, but there is a large range of temperatures where the Bosch heat range 5 and NGK heat range 7 plugs will provide the same, optimal thermal performance.
On the NGK heat range scale, these Tri-Electrode Nickel Plugs (BCPR7ET) are 1 range colder than stock for the 1.8T, 2.7T and 4.2T motors and the same heat range as stock for the 2.0T FSI engine.
NOTE: If you have a 1.8t or 2.0t 4 cylinder engine make sure you change the quantity to 4 once you select "add to cart".
NOTE: If you have a 2.7t V6 engine make sure you change the quantity to 6 once you select "add to cart".
NOTE: If you have a 4.2t V8 engine make sure you change the quantity to 8 once you select "add to cart".
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